Saturday, May 30, 2020

Introverts Guide to a Smooth Job Search

Introverts' Guide to a Smooth Job Search 617 Looking for a job doesn't have to be so hard. This is a guest post by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. While launching a job search may not rank in difficulty with rocket science, it has become increasingly difficult and more complex. If you add on top of that some Introvert tendencies, like a reluctance to “put yourself out there,” you are starting to nudge the scales towards seriously tough. If you are on the brink of launching a job search or have started one, hit the pause button before doing anything else. There are some simple guidelines you can follow to ensure you get the results you want, without the standard Introvert cringe:eval 1) Don’t cherry pick job search advice There are volumes on job search advice. If you pay attention, you’ll notice there are themes or things that get repeated. This should be a huge indicator that you need to do this “thing”. Too often I see job seekers decide to skip what they are being told to do. This will have dire consequences.eval 2) Don’t do everything at once You will get overwhelmed, especially if you are an Introvert. You have to figure out your keywords, branding, LinkedIn profile, Facebook, Twitter, resume, online job sites, the latest greatest job search tool, finding recruiters, interview prep, salary study, body language, handshake, new wardrobe, company research, networking, and attending business events. Long list? That’s just to name a few. The deal is, if you attempt to bite off too much at once, you’ll choke or die trying. Start by being abundantly clear on 1 or 2 “job types” you are pursuing. You’d be shocked at how very few job seekers have real clarity. Then, work on a targeted resume. 3) It’s all about connecting I deliberately put this in the middle, as Introverts really like to avoid this one (it’s the cherry picking I told you about on #1). Most likely, you won’t find a job via a posted job. I’m sure someone has landed a job this way, but no one I know has been hired solely by pursuing a posted job. That means you and your resume have to connect to a real live person. You can do this primarily through referrals and introductions from the people you know. People hire people. Online job search comforts Introverts because they don’t have to connect to a person. It’s a false sense of comfort. Start out to build your confidence. Set up coffee with one person you know so you can let them know what you are looking for and see if they can introduce you to someone in your targeted company. Rinse and repeat. You will build confidence in doing this one at a time. 4) Figure out YOUR competitive advantage You must think you have something to offer or you wouldn’t be pursuing a job. Why you? What is the thing that will set you apart from everyone else? You have to get it first or no one else will. If you can figure out your competitive advantage, you can translate that into everything from your resume to your LinkedIn profile. We are all unique, even if we do the same job as a thousand other people. 5) Don’t take things personally You will discover a complete lack of etiquette out there. People don’t return emails or phone calls, they fail to follow up after interviews and they expect you to drop things just because they are hiring. You must pick up the slack and make the phone calls until you get a real human and do superhuman rescheduling. It’s not because they don’t like you, it’s because hiring someone takes a huge bite out of their schedule, and business must go on. Oh well. As a fellow Introvert, your key to a flawless job search is to connect with people, which isn’t always easy. If you take it slow and easy, trust most of what you read on job search and know you are an asset, you’ll love the results. About the Author Dorothy Tannahill-Moran is author of two best selling books: Easier Networking for Introverts and the Socially Reluctant and Career Mapping for Climbing Managers: Plan Your Career on Purpose. Also known as the Introvert Whisperer, Dorothy is dedicated to helping Introverts achieve their career ambitions by using her unique insights gathered from 21 years in management at Intel Corporation. Her website is All Things Career, and she'll soon launch a new website dedicated to Ambitious Introverts for finding the best, actionable career advice. Sign up now for updates about it. This article is part of the The $11K 8th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest. If you wantDorothy Tannahill-Moran to win, share this article with your friends. READ NEXT: 3 Out of the Box Ways to Grow Your Network and Land Your Next Job

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

14 Personal Branding Tips for Aspiring Freelancers - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

14 Personal Branding Tips for Aspiring Freelancers - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career The gig economy is bigger than ever, and it shows no signs of slowing down. With more professionals in virtually every industry going the freelance route, what is one way they can set their  personal  brands apart to attract more business than their competitors? These answers are provided by  Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the worlds most promising young entrepreneurs. YEC has also launched  BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses. 1. Tell Your  Personal  Story Incorporate personality into your  personal  brand. Explain why you got into the industry you did, and tell the story about how you got to where you are now by briefly mentioning previous work history. The goal is to set yourself apart, and being unique and creative are a few of the best ways to do that.  Andrew Schrage,  Money Crashers  Personal  Finance 2. Create a  Personal  Website for a Niche Audience There are many people who freelance, yet only a small percentage have  personal  websites and even fewer have  personal  websites that provide content for a niche audience consistently over time. If someone wants to be a freelance designer, having a niche website for design in NYC tech startups would make them stand out in that market as an expert who provides value. It also shows they have discipline.  Dan San,  Meural 3. Do For You What You Do For Others Most experts dont do for themselves what they do for others. Web designers have basic/mediocre websites. Social media experts have limited social presences. An easy way to stand out is to be about what you talk about. Create and amplify a  personal  brand that showcases exactly what you can do for others.  Brandon Harris,  NuMedia 4. Set Higher Prices This may seem counter-intuitive at first but it really works: Pricing your work at premium rates will lead potential clients to view you as a premium freelancer with the ability to deliver high-quality work. The ugly truth is that lots of freelancers will price their work extremely low due to the fact that they deliver low-quality work. Doing the opposite will definitely help you stand out.  Bryce Welker,  CPA Exam Guy 5. Serve Your Customers Before You Sell   The gig economy enables us to work on a per-project basis, but I noticed that when I focused on serving the customers and their needs first, the money came after. It wasnt so much about the money or being focused on how much I was going to make from a client. I was focused on seeing them succeed and they referred me to new clients. When the focus is the customer, your brand will sky rocket.  Sweta Patel,  Silicon Valley Startup Marketing 6. Spend Time Building Your Relationships and Reputation Our reputation among our current and past customers can never be bought or sold. Investing in our relationships to gain repeat and referral business made all the difference to me, and it is where your best business will come from. What are you doing to maintain your brand reputation with the people who already know (or have known) you?  Zvi Band,  Contactually 7. Invest in Your Brand As the gig economy expands, so does the number of freelancers. The freelancers who will get noticed are the ones who invest the time and money into optimizing their  personal  brand. Whether its a portfolio, a website, samples or a delivery service, ensuring that you have thought through each touchpoint and how it impacts your customer will set you apart from those with a more ad hoc approach.  Ismael Wrixen,  FE International 8. Understand the Specific Customer You Want to Serve All too often we think we can serve everyone â€" Ive been there too. When you zoom in on your customer, everything gets focused, including the energy you have in your offerings. Sure, everyone might be a customer one day. Today, how are you going to reach that very specific person with particular problems, dreams, goals, hopes and fears?  Jen Brown,  The Engaging Educator 9. Ask Clients for Reviews Across Multiple Platforms Many freelancers get work through websites that act as a middleman between the customer and the freelancer. Building a reputation on these freelancer websites lets you benefit from what is called barnacle SEO, or attaching yourself to a larger entity that in turn brings resources to you. The smart freelancers ask satisfied  customers to also leave five-star reviews on additional websites.  Brian Greenberg,  True Blue Life Insurance, Inc 10. Write Guest Posts for Credible Publications Guest posting and being mentioned in popular publications helps build credibility and trust within your industry. You can even add the logos from the publications you were mentioned in on your site to create more interest for your brand.  Syed Balkhi,  OptinMonster 11. Build a Great Portfolio Nothing speaks to your quality and capability like the results of your past work and projects. Actions speak louder than words and a portfolio is a record of your actions. Whatever your field is, be it web design, graphic design, writing, project management, etc., have some way to showcase the quality of your work with other clients that helps people see just how special and talented you are.  Justin Faerman,  Conscious Lifestyle Magazine 12. Cooperate with Other Freelancers There is prosperity in cooperation. Build relationships with other freelancers, especially if they specialize in a skill that you don’t have and vice versa. Trade contacts and refer clients whose projects aren’t in your field. Link their portfolios on your website or  blog  as an affiliate so they may, in turn, do the same on their site. Be their advocate, and they’ll promote you too.  Diego Orjuela,  Cables Sensors 13. Be Timely in Your Communications and Work You may be as well-regarded in your trade as the best in the business, but that does not hold much ground if you fail to deliver on time. It’s not just when you get an assignment that you have to meet a deadline. If you’re interacting with a probable client, make sure you are prompt in addressing questions. Given the shrinking global workspace, don’t forget to account for time differences.  Derek Robinson,  Top Notch Dezigns 14. Be Yourself Competition continues to climb. In such saturated markets, its important to differentiate yourself and the easiest way to do that is to be yourself. Let your personality, passion and interests shine through in everything you do. After all, people do business with those they know, like and trust. Youll connect with your potential customers much more effectively.  Karlo Tanjuakio,

Saturday, May 23, 2020

6 Tips for Talking Politics at the Office

6 Tips for Talking Politics at the Office Sponsored by Workopolis: No matter how hard you try, politics are hard to ignore these days, and navigating tricky political talk has never been more fraught. According to a study by  VitalSmarts  co-founders Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield, nine out of 10 U.S. voters said the 2016 election was more polarizing and volatile than ever before â€" and it’s sad to say that things have only worsened since then.   The consensus has generally been to steer clear of politics and religion at the office, but how do you avoid talking about things that dominate the news? If we’re being realistic, politics will be a topic of discussion at some point, so it’s important to understand how you and your employees can avoid bitter debates with coworkers. Here are six tips on how to handle political talk at the office (and keep your sanity). 1. Always be diplomatic One of the most surprising findings from the VitalSmarts’ survey was that people were actually fine speaking to someone they disagreed with politically. The key, however, was in how that person spoke. If the discussion stays respectful â€" no matter how much you might disagree â€" it can be just that: a discussion. “Most of us think the only safe space to talk is with those who agree with us, and it’s just not true,” said Grenny. 2. Don’t conform When you’re surrounded by people of a certain political persuasion, it can be very tempting to take the path of least resistance. But when it comes to your own sanity (and job satisfaction), this isn’t a healthy long-term strategy. “A lot of people think being diplomatic is sugarcoating your opinions,” Grenny said. “But that’s not a meaningful conversation. 3. Seek out common ground As hard as it might be to believe, you might actually have some ideological common ground with Bob from accounting. Even if he’s on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum, there are always common threads that you can use to weave some understanding. “It’s totally possible two people with polar opposite positions have similar values,” Grenny said. “On immigration, maybe you both care about national security, and taking care of those with citizenship, and the disagreements are how we execute on those values.” 4. Forget about changing people’s minds The real problem spot when talking politics is assuming that you can convince other people to change their mind. Don’t forget that these are often more than just opinions â€" they are firmly held beliefs. By trying to “convert” people, you can come across as condescending and rude. “Give up the desire to proselytize to someone with a different opinion,” Grenny said. 5. Ask before dissenting It might seem strange, but simply asking if it’s ok to express a differing point of view can really go a long way.    â€œPeople feel psychologically different when they give permission to share our point of view.” Remember, though, that this goes both ways. If your co-worker is willing to listen to your point of view, return the favor. 6. Have a way out No matter how understanding and polite you are, the simple fact is that there’s always a chance a political discussion will get heated. Recognize that and plan ahead: make sure you have an escape route (what Grenny calls the “off-ramp”). “If it looks like it’s creating something that neither person wants, just stop. As soon as one of those signals occurs, say, ‘gosh, I think I’m getting a little too agitated, it looks like you’re not liking what you’re hearing from me, so let’s talk about the ball game.’ Then cut it off.” And if that doesn’t work, you could always change the subject (or start looking for another job!). About the author:  Workopolis  is Canada’s leading career site for job seekers and a leader in HR technology solutions for employers.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Three Cores Of Getting Noticed As A Burgeoning Actor

The Three Cores Of Getting Noticed As A Burgeoning Actor Being an actor is by no means easy. You never know whether or when you’re going to get that opportunity to soar or crash. To make your big break happen of miss it entirely. You can’t tell whether or not you’ll ever get spotted. However, you can make it a lot more likely. Success as an actor means spotting and even creating those opportunities. In this article, we’re going to look at how go-getting actors get the attention they need from those who matter. Picture by skeeze Look the part No matter what career you’re going for, your personal image and attitude plays a huge role in having more success in it. This is only heightened when it comes to an acting career. A career that depends not just on how you look, but how you carry across as a person. You need to make sure you carry yourself presentably at all times. Not just at auditions or when meeting with an agent. You never know when you’re going to come across that opportunity to make an impact. So don’t leave the door without keeping yourself primed and ready. Looks aren’t everything, but in this business, they still mean quite a lot. Picture by tmeier1964 Keep putting yourself out there If you want to get noticed, you’re going to have to keep yourself at opportunities to get noticed. It’s easy for anyone creative to feel like throwing in the towel, even if it’s just a temporary stop. However, we all usually find ourselves coming back to our passions. But the time taken away can be damaging. Keep finding new opportunities to get noticed. Drama clubs and classes. Whatever theatre you can get yourself into. Working alongside TV extras for smaller roles. Don’t knock away any opportunity to make yourself part of the business. All of it can help you better build your resume. Not only that, it helps you to hone your craft. The more opportunities you have to practice and to learn, the better your chances of being someone worth noticing. Picture by EliElshi Be noticeable Being a good actor isn’t the only thing that matters about being noticeable, though it certainly helps. You need to take the steps to make yourself a lot more noticeable and easy to get hold of. If a director or producer wanted to find you after seeing you in a theatre, would they be able to? Would they turned off or turned on by how they found you? Whether you have an agent or a website or both, they need to look the part as much as you. They need to give the impression of a professional, of someone who’s ready to work and serious about it. Relying on cheap signposting won’t do you any favours. Nothing in life is guaranteed, the same can definitely be said for getting spotted as an actor. However, even taking the steps mentioned above at least makes it clear how professional and driven you are. All you can do is keep increasing your chances of that day coming sooner rather than later.

Friday, May 15, 2020

What Tips Should You Take While Using Dorothea Resume Writing Service?

What Tips Should You Take While Using Dorothea Resume Writing Service?The Dorothea resume writing service may be used by you if you have no idea how to write a resume or how to craft a professional one. This is done by writing a document that can help you get hired.The first tip when it comes to Dorothea resume writing service is that you must be professional. Professionalism can help you get hired. If you are not professional, it will be difficult for you to be considered as a professional by the hiring company.Resume can help you get hired as long as you are professional. Resume can help you get hired if you make use of the best techniques and use your own experiences well. There are many things that you can do to increase your chances of getting hired. You should also work hard to get a better job.Dorothea resume writing service is great for those who need it because it will help you create a resume that can help you get hired. It can help you create a resume that can help you get hired when you use the tips and techniques from this service.First tip for resume writing service is that you must think about your own strengths and weaknesses. Your resume should be specific with your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you get hired if you show your strengths when you use the service. A professional looking resume can help you get hired.The second tip is that you should be very organized and try to create a professional way of writing. You can take a document that can help you and turn it into a professional looking resume. You should try to create a professional resume using some techniques. This can help you get hired when you use the services of the resume writing service.The third tip is that you can use the free resume writing service to help you improve your resume. It can help you create a resume that can help you get hired and it can help you improve your skills. You can use the free resume writing service to help you improve your skills when you use this service.Dorothea resume writing service can help you get hired when you have a professional looking resume. This can help you get hired when you use the tips and techniques from this service.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mistakes Of A Millennial During The Job Hunting Process - CareerAlley

Mistakes Of A Millennial During The Job Hunting Process - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Whether youre a student thinking about future prospects or a job seeker looking to break into a desired industry isnt important. The job-hunting process can be a daunting factor. However, youre not alone in feeling a little overawed by it all. In fact, most millennials are guilty of sabotaging their possibilities. And in most cases, its largely preventable. Whether its laziness or naivety, many millennials think they can land a job simply by acing the interview stage. Make no mistakes, standing out in this phase of the process is vital. Tweet This As a young person, youre naturally lacking a little experience. Likewise, you may have been given bad (or at least outdated) information from parents and older generations. Learn to alter your approach with the simple tips below, and the road to success will suddenly feel a lot smoother. What are you waiting for? Lets get to work. Academic Education Isnt Everything The importance of education has been continually mentioned since childhood. Frankly, theres no denying that college degrees and professional qualifications help the cause. Nonetheless, youd be very nave to think that these skills are the only thing employers are looking for. Experience in the industry isnt easy to find. But internships and work placements can give you a head start when applying for fully paid permanent roles. In todays climate, transferrable outside skills are essential too.Thisinfographic on learning any language highlights how soon you can make yourself a better candidate. After all, communication is everything in the multicultural age of millennials. Education is important, but there are so many other aspects that will influence your attraction. Do not forget it. First Impressions Dont Start At The Interview Whether its laziness or naivety, many millennials think they can land a job simply by acing the interview stage. Make no mistakes, standing out in this phase of the process is vital. Still, a good interview doesnt guarantee anything on its own. Moreover, with most roles now attracting dozens of applications, even getting through to that part is a challenge. Building a solid application supported by a strong resume makes a huge difference. Meanwhile, those looking for jobs in marketing and creative fields should aim to let their talents shine through. Whether its creating a website or doing something out of the ordinary to grab an employers attention is up to you. Either way, standing out from the crowd before the interview puts you in a great position. Credit Also, employers will research you online. Make sure that your social media accounts are free from controversy. Employers Seek Personality Another major problem to have hit the modern generation comes from robotic answers. By the time you reach an interview, employers know about your skills and experiences. What they truly want to see is whether your face fits the organization. As such, bland responses void of character and charm will harm you. Thats not to say the gift of the gab can help you wing it. Theres still a huge need to research the companys background, as this shows understanding and attention to detail. These tips on how to answer the most challenging interview questions highlights that success should extend beyond resumes. Personality and how you interview counts for a lot. Interviewing: Interview Questions Job Interview ! Learn How to Job Interview and Master the Key Price: $4.99 Buy Now from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Last Updated: March 2, 2020 You only get one shot at showing your qualities, and becoming used to communicating with strangers will serve you well. Put yourself in those situations in daily life, and the impacts will rub off in employment chasing endeavors. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to identify and land your dream job. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

Friday, May 8, 2020

College Grad Financial Advice Personality Traits of the Debt-Free Graduate - CareerAlley

College Grad Financial Advice Personality Traits of the Debt-Free Graduate - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. The facts dont paint a particularly cheery picture: In-state college tuition rose an average of more than four percent a year over the past 10 years, a CollegeBoard study found. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a similar trend in federal unemployment, which grew by more than two percent during this same time span. And according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, there are approximately 37 million student loan borrowers with outstanding student loans today. With these grim numbers, its difficult to weigh the benefits of a higher education against the freedom of living debt-free. But what about those graduates who reach a debt-free life in just a few years? There are some common characteristics and know-how among the financially free. Weve outlined three common types of debt-free grads and how their example can keep you from years of frustration. The Patient Heres a clich thats true: Patience is a virtue, especially for the recent graduate. Dave Ramsey, real estate veteran, finance writer and founder of The Lampo Group, holds that the patient 20-something isnt leasing a city apartment or a new car yet. S/he might even be living at home. Employed or not, debt feeds off choices that are impractical for someone whos better off shrinking loans and building credit than dropping big money for things that will be reasonable later on, just not now. The Anti-Materialist Akin to the patient types, those who avoid materialistic tendencies are more conscious of things that have long-term value. The most effective purchases are needs rather than wants: food, basic transportation and items that relate to making money, such as work supplies. We often take for granted the things that consume the most of our resources. Those who sacrifice them may not have convenience, but theyre the best-equipped when their payables come in. Trim your expenses and put the money you save on your debt. Watch what you spend on entertainmentthere are lots of things to do on a budget. Sell your smartphone and get a flip-phone; cook your own meals rather than order out; skip the gym membership and go jogging instead. Shop Goodwill, not The Gap. You may be surprised how quickly you can amass a large sum of cash to put toward your debt. Some people may have the means to obtain a lump sum of cash sooner by selling payments from annuities or a structured settlement they currently receive. Companies like J.G. Wentworth buy these payment streams and can provide you with the upfront capital you need. The Goal-Driven At the end of the dayyoure not just making it to the end of the day. Those who are free of debt have an endgame further than a heavier wallet. No debt means a lot of things: less stress, less guilt, more credit and more opportunity when the time comes for the buys you waited to make. Have goals in mindknow where you see yourself when your payments level off, and know specifically how youre going to get there. Numerous payment plans are at your disposalfor example, youll find an explanation of the Snowball Method on, which enables you to pay off lowest-balance debts first and then move on to the others in a systematic fashion. Byline:Craig Callen After saving $1500 on holiday gifts last year, Craig considers himself a Cyber Monday expert. This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search. Joey Trebif